As lead consultant for "Growing Precincts Together" in conjunction with Brisbane City Council, we assisted in the major clean up and transformation of many businesses in Rosalie. This involved consultancy, design and follow up. Rosalie was hard hit with the floods in Feb 2022, so this wonderful initiative by the Council really saw businesses refreshed and refocussed. Rosalie Village in Brisbane had multiple store makeovers sponsored by the Brisbane City Council. Boom Retail provided consultancy, training and display props to help clean up the area after the floods. A great project to help stimulate sales and customer visitation to the area. 

Rosalie Gourmet Market - Exterior After Pics with new decals, fixtures, seating. Interior new interior lighting, presentation, product displays, and store layout. The owner reported to having the highest sales ever in 12 years of business due to the consultancy and her follow through with suggestions to make improvements to her businesses.

Boom Retail has assisted many Councils with their main street improvements and upskilling the businesses within their areas.

Need help with street, shopping centre or amusement park please phone Boom Retail on 0477 004 441